目前分類:【醫學專業】 (17)

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(一)疾病概述 (Identification)
鉤端螺旋體病(Leptospirosis)是由鉤端螺旋體(Leptospira interrogans)感染產生的感染症,是熱帶、亞熱帶地區常見的人畜共通感染病,在台灣其被歸類於第四類法定傳染病。鉤端螺旋體為細桿狀螺旋型,兩端呈現鉤狀具內鞭毛的螺旋體,可經由傷口感染幾乎所有的哺乳類動物,包括野生及家畜動物。主要宿主有老鼠、犬隻、豬、牛、馬、羊等動物。動物感染鉤端螺旋體後,造成腎臟慢性感染,並且由尿液大量排菌,再經由尿液污染水及土壤,進而感染人類。當人們工作(農民、下水道工程、礦工、屠夫),或野外活動時可經由皮膚及黏膜傷口因接觸到受動物尿液污染的土壤或水而得病,少部份因直接接觸動物及其組織而感染。目前為止發現至少有25個血清群約277個血清型,感染過某血清型鉤端螺旋體後,還是有可能受其他不同血清型的感染。

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腎臟不好的病人 千萬不要用fleet soda(sodium phosphate)來做colon prepare呀

昨天值班遇到一個病人突然喘起來 baseline BUN:80,Cr:5

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1.cardiac or respiratory arrest,

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Causes of consious disturbance included:AEIOU TIPS

A:Alcohol(overdose / withdraw),Ammonia,Adrenal insufficiency

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看到還蠻多病人因為打化療 總是吐得七暈八素的

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Implementation of Guideline Recommendations

  1. Locally adapted guidelines should be implemented to improve process of care variables and relevant clinical outcomes. (Strong recommendation; level I evidence) 很重要的一點 治療肺炎的guideline應該因地制宜

Documented Benefits

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Case I
A 34 year-old man visited our emergency department due to left lower leg rapidly swollen in 2 days.

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 57歲女性教師 到急診的原因主要是因為胸悶及頭暈的情形


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Background Clopidogrel requires transformation into an active metabolite by cytochrome P-450 (CYP) enzymes for its antiplatelet effect. The genes encoding CYP enzymes are polymorphic, with common alleles conferring reduced function.

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Background Ticagrelor is an oral, reversible, direct-acting inhibitor of the adenosine diphosphate receptor P2Y12 that has a more rapid onset and more pronounced platelet inhibition than clopidogrel.

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Background Warfarin reduces the risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation but increases the risk of hemorrhage and is difficult to use. Dabigatran is a new oral direct thrombin inhibitor.

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ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation

下面只選出level of evidence I及IIA的

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今天上了on CVP的課 對每個住院醫師來說


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下面有兩個影片 考考大家短時間內判斷病人狀況的能力

蠻有趣的 大家來試試看吧!!

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最近念ICU book 發現裡面有好多很有趣的觀念

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