
前所未見的感官體驗-- 來自紐約百老匯「極限震撼」(Fuerzabruta) 劇團即將來台!繼太陽劇團之後,年底又一表演震撼彈引爆!

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Implementation of Guideline Recommendations

  1. Locally adapted guidelines should be implemented to improve process of care variables and relevant clinical outcomes. (Strong recommendation; level I evidence) 很重要的一點 治療肺炎的guideline應該因地制宜

Documented Benefits

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全本音樂劇-媽媽咪呀! MAMMA MIA!!

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Case I
A 34 year-old man visited our emergency department due to left lower leg rapidly swollen in 2 days.

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 57歲女性教師 到急診的原因主要是因為胸悶及頭暈的情形


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Background Clopidogrel requires transformation into an active metabolite by cytochrome P-450 (CYP) enzymes for its antiplatelet effect. The genes encoding CYP enzymes are polymorphic, with common alleles conferring reduced function.

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前陣子在心臟內科的日子  真的是又累又苦

每天早上為了準備大查房  累的跟條狗沒兩樣

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Background Ticagrelor is an oral, reversible, direct-acting inhibitor of the adenosine diphosphate receptor P2Y12 that has a more rapid onset and more pronounced platelet inhibition than clopidogrel.

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